jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

Goya was born in Fuendetodos, Aragón, Spain, in 1746 to José Benito de Goya y Franque and Gracia de Lucientes y Salvador. He spent his childhood in Fuendetodos, where his family lived in a house bearing the family crest of his mother. His father earned his living as a gilder. About 1749, the family bought a house in the city of Zaragoza and some years later moved into it. Goya may have attended school at Escuelas Pias. He formed a close friendship with Martin Zapater at this time, and their correspondence from the 1770s to the 1790s is a valuable source for understanding Goya's early career at the court of Madrid. At age 14, Goya entered apprenticeship with the painter José Luzán. He moved to Madrid where he studied with Anton Raphael Mengs, a painter who was popular with Spanish royalty. He clashed with his master, and his examinations were unsatisfactory. Goya submitted entries for the Royal Academy of Fine Art in 1763 and 1766, but was denied entrance.
He then relocated to Rome, where in 1771 he won second prize in a painting competition organized by the City of Parma. Later that year, he returned to Zaragoza and painted parts of the cupolas of the Basilica of the Pillar (including Adoration of the Name of God), a cycle of frescoes in the monastic church of the Charterhouse of Aula Dei, and the frescoes of the Sobradiel Palace. He studied with Francisco Bayeu y Subías and his painting began to show signs of the delicate tonalities for which he became famous
Goya married Bayeu's sister Josefa (he nicknamed her "Pepa") on 25 July 1773. This marriage, and Francisco Bayeu's membership of the Royal Academy of Fine Art (from the year 1765) helped Goya to procure work as a painter of designs to be woven by Royal Tapestry Factory. There, over the course of five years, he designed some 42 patterns, many of which were used to decorate (and insulate) the bare stone walls of El Escorial and the Palacio Real del Pardo, the newly built residences of the Spanish monarchs near Madrid. This brought his artistic talents to the attention of the Spanish monarchs who later would give him access to the royal court. He also painted a canvas for the altar of the Church of San Francisco El Grande in Madrid, which led to his appointment as a member of the Royal Academy of Fine Art.


Retrato De Rembrandt



Nació en Leiden, Holanda. Pintor barroco de retratos y dibujante superdotado. En un principio siguió a el Caravaggio que era gran maestro de la técnica del claroscuro, a Rubens por su brillosidad y colorido vigoroso y a Tiziano por la forma libre de utilizar el pincel.
Ya a los 25, Rembrandt aplica en sus obras un estilo personal revolucionario que se aleja de la forma suave de pintar de los maestros holandeses contemporáneos y se sumerge en la técnica de los maestros italianos. Su pincelada gruesa, a veces sobrecargada de pintura, agrega a sus obras una textura inédita hasta ese momento. 
En vez de reflejar con exactitud las escenas, Rembrandt se inclina por retratar sugestivamente lo que ven sus ojos. Por otra parte, sin haber conocido Italia, aplica el estilo de pintar de los venecianos, que muestra un entorno obscuro para terminar con máximo fulgor en la imagen.
En esa época los colores apropiados para una pintura eran limitados por los estándares académicos, sin embargo Rembrandt innovó con nuevos extremos de colorido y a la vez logró un equlibrio exhuberante entre esos extremos.
Su técnica de aplicación de capas, desde el fondo hacia adelante, con una transición imperceptible de colores y tonos (esfumado), lo situan entre los capaces de dar transparencia con la calidad que lo hacen Leonardo y Miguel 

                                                    BY  SARA